Adding more recent campaigns and projects to the site

Phew it’s been some… four years, hasn’t it. A lot has changed, including the world.

There is/was a pandemic.

We went from Crypto to NFTs to Metaverse to AI in as many years.

I moved across the USA (again).

So I figured it was time to update my portfolio with new projects.

Cinephile Movie TV Show Title Cards

Cinephile: (noun) a person who is fond of motion pictures.

Below is my continuing passion project. My love of movies inspired me to practice with re-creating certain title cards of movies and tv shows with the constant of "Cinephile". Most are done using tutorials or reference images as a base.

Inspired by the show Stranger Things

Original (left) My version (right)

Inspired by the show Black Mirror

Original (left) My version (right)

Inspired by classic silver screen movie titles


Inspired by the movie The African Queen (1951)

My version (left) Original (right)

Inspired by the movie Poltergeist (1982)

Original (left) My version (right)

Inspired by the movie Psycho (1960)

My version (left) Original (right)

Inspired by the movie The Thing from Another World (1951)

Original (left) My version (right)

AIGA Orlando Mentorship "Spot Showcase"

This year I had the pleasure of participating in the yearly "Spot Showcase" that our local chapter of AIGA puts on. The show is the end product of a half year co-op between a student/newly graduated Mentee and a Design Professional Mentor.

My Mentor was the amazing Melissa Fox-Austin and together we created a self promotional box design.

My brand concept centered around the Atomic Age in design and we decided to develop a faux Laundry Box with Tongue and Cheek writing to convey that concept and link back to my personal resume.

I learned a lot from the process and am ecstatic for those Mentees that won for different events of the Showcase. Our speaker, the incredible Tad Carpenter gave a humorous and insightful talk into what he does and what we, as the future of design, should aim for.

Illustration Classwork

Last Fall I completed my Degree at UCF, at that time I was enrolled in Intermediate Illustration with a focus on narrative illustration. The class was taught by Giant Illustrator Christian Slade of Korgi books and currently Ranger Rick fame. It was an awesome class experience because it enabled me to do work that I normally do to de-stress at the end of the day. I love graphic design but my first love was illustration and storytelling and I still try to incorporate elements of that into my commercial art and design as well.

Below is some samples from my portfolio for that semester. All work is copyrighted Cosmic Radiation (Krista Hunsicker) 2015 including original story ideas presented here.

Character Study for a Afterlife dark comedy story about working a "Dead End Job" as a Reaper.

Character Study for a Afterlife dark comedy story about working a "Dead End Job" as a Reaper.

Character Turn Around of "Cat" with her normal clothes and her "work uniform"

Character Turn Around of "Cat" with her normal clothes and her "work uniform"

A series of illustrations based on (top left) halloween-ified celebrities (top right) songs (bottom left and right) short scary stories.

A series of illustrations based on (top left) halloween-ified celebrities (top right) songs (bottom left and right) short scary stories.

Environment design for self created story.

Environment design for self created story.

Narrative sequence inspired by the word "Heat".

Narrative sequence inspired by the word "Heat".

Illustrative song based on mood: Liama - La Nouba.

Illustrative song based on mood: Liama - La Nouba.

Storyboarding examples of self created stories Princess Penelope and Newly Deads.

Storyboarding examples of self created stories Princess Penelope and Newly Deads.


Yesterday the 12th of December I officially graduated from the University of Central Florida with a BFA in Emerging Media- Graphic Design. In addition to graduating in the honors college I also received Cum Laude recognition.

Family Photo outside the UCF Arena

New and Exciting things are on the horizon for me, in addition to job prospects I also was accepted into the AIGA Mentorship program.

This week I am partaking in a graduation vacation and will not be able to respond to messages until next week the 22nd of December.


Mentorship Day at Appleton

Friday Novemeber 7th was a Mentorship day for all us Mentees ( about 4) to tour the Appleton Creative agency building and shadow our respective mentors and any others we wanted to learn from. It was a fantastic day and I got to learn so much about what they do, what they expect from potential workers, and how awesome an environment that whole company is!

I was able to work on a draft of a report cover for the agency as well and got to experience a part of their daily design routine, which was amazing and my Mentor Jennifer Graven was fantastic for setting it up. It will be shown to their client amidst their in house designer's amazing concepts as well!

Appleton is an out of this world company where the signature Yellow 1903 house reflects the overall experience inside. A one of a kind, homey, and welcoming creativity I had the honor to be a part of, if only for a day.

AD2 Orlando Mentorship Program

Big News!

I have currently started as a Mentee for Ad 2 Orlando's Mentorship program that runs through December of this year. I am so excited to learn about the industry and get involved in the Branding and Campaigning side of Graphic Design. I will update on this experience and work that comes from it as the program progresses! Big thanks to my Mentor from Appleton Creative.

Update 7/2/14

Sorry for the recent inactivity, but this semester I have been taking both a Bookbinding class and a Maya modeling basics class, which is still in session. I have learned so much about both hands on and digital production of material. I aim to design a few posters in the upcoming months but will also be moving to a new apartment soon.

But I can promise


Senior Showcase

On May 2nd 2014 I was able to participate in my first Showcase. The show featured my graduating classmates and I with our favorite pieces from the last four years at University of Central Florida for the Graphic Design Program.

My display table with various Self Promotional items including: Business Cards, Prints, Stickers, Sketchbooks and Contact Bookmarks

My display table with various Self Promotional items including: Business Cards, Prints, Stickers, Sketchbooks and Contact Bookmarks

For my wall space, I reflected my simple retro style with chalkboard flags and clothes pins holding up three of my favorite illustrated posters. 

For my wall space, I reflected my simple retro style with chalkboard flags and clothes pins holding up three of my favorite illustrated posters. 

Overall I was very impressed with all my peers' work and felt utterly inspired after leaving the show. It was great to meet everybody and I cannot wait to be in another showcase!

A big thanks to my professors Victor Davila and Matt Dombrowski for never giving up on us.


First Post

This is my Portfolio Website and I hope you will enjoy checking back to see all the interesting projects/illustrations/what have you that I do!


Be sure to follow me on Social Media as well to stay up to date with what I'm working on or what conventions/workshops I'll be attending